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Aesthetic treatment for varicose veins

Ulaş Sağlam, M.D.

Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist

In our clinic, aesthetic varicose vein treatments are applied with the methods we plan specifically for the patient.

With our aesthetic varicose vein treatments, which we plan specifically for the patient and are performed without incisions and stitches, we restore your health in a relaxed, quick and comfortable way.

We have brought a different perspective to aesthetic phlebology with the Intraplaque laser treatment we have developed.

What is Varicose?

1:31 mins

Varicose veins

Varicose veins is the name given to the permanent enlargement, elongation and deterioration of the structure of the veins. It is usually found in the lower part of the legs.

It may develop due to genetic factors, female gender, pregnancy, obesity, prolonged standing work, office-type work, use of high heels, etc.

It may appear with a wide range of clinical conditions ranging from visual impairment to venous ulcer formation.

With the Venous Doppler Ultrasonography technique, varicose veins can be easily diagnosed. You can visit our blog for detailed information.

Aesthetic Phlebology

Aesthetic phlebology is the set of methods in which varicose veins are treated without surgical incision-stitching, leaving no scars. In addition to treating varicose veins, it aims to achieve ideal aesthetic results. It also facilitates the patient’s return to normal life with a rapid healing process.

Aesthetic varicose veins treatment can be performed with one or more of Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA), Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA), Intraplaque Laser Ablation (our own developed technique), Embolizing Agent Therapy, Miniflebectomy, Sclerotherapy, Transcutaneous Laser and Transcutaneous Radiofrequency methods.

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in the deep veins (veins) in the body. It is usually seen in the lower parts of the legs. When a clot breaks away from these areas and travels through the blood and reaches the lungs, it can lead to the death of the patient. This condition is called Pulmonary Embolism.

It may occur due to reasons such as previous surgeries, traumas, some cancer treatments, pregnancy, obesity, advanced age, sedentary life, some hormone treatments and hereditary blood disorders.

It can be diagnosed via Venous Doppler Ultrasonography, Venography, D-Dimer test.

It can be treated with medical (drug) treatment or minimally invasive surgical methods.

Intraplaque Laser Ablation (Our own developed technique)

We have entered a period of increasing aesthetic concerns. With the impact of this period, the importance of aesthetic phlebology has started to increase gradually. In addition to the treatment of varicose veins, the patient also aims to achieve ideal aesthetic results. For this reason, we have developed Intraplaque Laser Ablation Therapy in order to postpone the incision-stitch as much as possible.

The application principle is similar to that of Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy. The difference is its applicability even in an area of 1cm, the amount of energy, and the duration of application. With Intraplaque Laser Ablation treatment, we have almost shelved the venous pake treatment, which we call miniflebectomy. Our patients, whose healing process is completed quickly, can quickly return to their normal lives. Since there is no Incision-Stitch, there is no need for procedures such as dressing and stitch removal after treatment. It also leaves no scars.

Varicose veins. Aesthetic Phlebology. Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Varicose veins. Aesthetic Phlebology. Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Varicose veins. Aesthetic Phlebology. Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Varicose veins. Aesthetic Phlebology. Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Varicose veins. Aesthetic Phlebology. Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Intraplaque Laser Ablation

Intraplaque Laser Ablation

Intraplaque Laser Ablation

Intraplaque Laser Ablation

Intraplaque Laser Ablation

Hello, they said that my varicose veins could not be intervened in Zonguldak. I researched a lot about varicose veins treatment and Dr. Ulaş. When we reached him, he said that he could examine the ultrasound reports and treat me. It has been 1 month since I received treatment. We were able to stay in constant communication with Dr. Ulaş Bey. I am very satisfied with the treatment, thank you Dr. Ulaş.

Mustafa A***

I always delayed my varicose veins treatment because I was very afraid of surgical incisions and stitches. I saw Dr. Ulaş's applications on Instagram and reached him. With his friendly and sincere attitude, he made me feel good before the treatment. He performed my treatment with his own method without any pain or ache. I am very happy, thank you Dr. Ulaş.

Dilek S***

He gained my trust with his accessibility, knowledge and experience. He made me have a very comfortable treatment Thank you.

Nadide Ş***

I have heart very nice things about you and your profession. I personally see your help one of my friend who had very heavy bleeeding varicose vein. Now, she is getting better. Thanks for your help..Greetings from Burdur..

Faruk B***

Who is Ulaş Sağlam M.D.?

He was born on 28.07.1979 in Isparta.
In 1997, he completed his primary and secondary education in Burdur.
In 2005, he graduated from SDU Faculty of Medicine and became a Medical Doctor.
In 2011, he completed his specialization in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of SDU Faculty of Medicine and became a Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist.

Between 2011-2022, he worked as a Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist at Burdur State Hospital. During this period, he also performed many treatments and studies in the field of Phlebology, which is also the subject of his thesis. By developing the Intraplaque Laser Ablation technique, he brought a different perspective to Aesthetic Phlebology.

He also held management positions in Isparta Burdur Medical Chamber and various NGOs. He participated as a speaker and participant in Cardiovascular Surgery congresses and meetings.

As of 2022, he opened his own clinic in Antalya. He still continues to meet his patients in his own clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cause of varicose veins?

Genetic factors come first. Other causes include female gender, advanced age, pregnancy, obesity, working while standing for a long time, working office-style, wearing high heels and having deep vein thrombosis.

Can varicose veins be treated aesthetically?

Of course, they can be. Aesthetic Phlebology has been developed exactly for this reason. The methods applied without the incision-stitching aim to achieve ideal aesthetic results besides the varicose veins treatment.

Will my varicose veins recur after treatment?

No, they will not. Since the varicose veins in the treated areas are destroyed or glued, they do not recur.

Does the closure of varicose veins affect blood flow?

No, it does not. On the contrary, after the treatment, healthy veins take the place of varicose veins and ensure a healthier blood flow.

When should I consult a doctor for treatment of varicose veins?

As soon as possible. Because early diagnosis prevents varicose veins from becoming more common and irreversible skin changes. Early diagnosis also reduces the possibility of developing Deep Vein Thrombosis and Venous Ulcers.

What should be done before aesthetic treatment of varicose veins?

It is very important that varicose veins are treated by a doctor specialized in aesthetic phlebology in order to meet the aesthetic expectations of the patient. The patient should first be examined and Venous Doppler Ultrasonography should be performed, preferably by the same doctor. Considering the patient’s expectations from the treatment, a personalized treatment plan should be created. The patient should be informed about the treatment. Aesthetic concerns, which are at least as important as other complaints, should be taken into consideration when making a treatment plan.